Farty Marty is a character I created somewhere around 1993. His diet consists primarily of Beer and Cheese. The beer keeps him regular and the cheese helps to plug things up when he has too much beer.
He was originally based on a couple of people in my life that have a proclivity toward farting. He quickly took on his own personality however and doesn't (really) resemble those people any longer.
As you can clearly tell, I'm no artist. Sadly, I'm a 40-something with no artistic talent and the brain of a grade-school boy. For some reason I've never been able to outgrow the "Farts are funny" stage of my life and this seems to be the end result of that character flaw. Clearly the only thing funnier than farts is the the phrase "I pooped my pants." Especially when uttered by an adult.
Eventually I would like this About section to contain a history of the character but until then I hope you enjoy what we have posted!
One of the first sketches of Farty Marty